Stafford Apex Swimming Club Counties 2022 Gala success
Thirty Stafford Apex Swimming Club swimmers competed over two weekends at Staffordshire County Championships in February 2022. A staggering amount of Personal Bests (PBs), and a high number of Midland District Times were also achieved. Harrison Turner (club captain for Apex) made a number of championship finals and struck gold in 400m freestyle in a thrilling neck and neck battle between two other club swimmers. Joe Stratton became Staffordshire County Open Champion in the 400 Individual Medley. Natalie Hawley made the 50m freestyle championship final with a superb time, coming first in her age group and second in the Junior Championships. Macy Brough, Grace Allen, Fred Porter, Chloe Summerville, Ethan Li, Paige Welton and Richard Maamoun all added to a fantastic medal haul.
Along with this, Evie Bott was awarded the M.G. Evans Memorial Trophy from Staffordshire County ASA 'Most Meritorious Swimmer of the year'.
Pictured are: Senior Team with Coaches Julie Shenton and Phil Roe; Junior team with head Coach Julie Shenton and Team Manager Jo Keay; Evie Bott; Joe Stratton and Harrison Turner.