Coaches Update #8
Hi swimmers
Let’s wait and see what Boris has to say tomorrow!!!
Did you start your flexibility and core this week or are you the one leaving it for tomorrow??
Like I said..... tomorrow will never come !!
Don't panic start this week..
Lets go through a warm up practice this week
10 arm swings in each direction
1. front
2. Back
3. Monkey
4. Double front
5. Double back
10 leg swings
1. Front-back
2. Side-to-side
30 Jumping-jacks
10 dead-bugs
30sec hip bridge hold
30sec front plank
60sec skipping ( no rope)
Go for a walk it wont hurt you!!!! Get some fresh air
The riddle answers from last week....
1) what do you have to break before you use it?
Answer; An egg
2) I'm where yesterday follow’s today and tomorrow is in the middle. What am I?
Answer; A dictionary
Winner this week: Macey & Mya Brough
(the committee will be in touch with your prize)
Right can you solve these riddles ?
Riddle what am I ?......
1) Six letters I contain. Remove one letter and twelve remain. What am I?
2) I have a neck but no head and yet you can see my cap. What am I?
Don’t forget email me the answers
Quote of the week....
The water is your don’t have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.
Remember stay safe and keep in touch
The coaching team
