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Why Fundraise?


The club membership fees paid at the beginning of the year only cover about 1/6 of our costs, the rest has to be raised through sponsorship and club events and fundraising activities. Freedom Leisure provides the coaches, lane space and training times. For this reason training fees are payable to the Freedom Leisure via the reception at the Leisure Centre, not to the Club. Annual membership fees and fund raising events meet costs incurred by the Club.


All funds raised go to our swimmers. We provide transport to League Galas, we pay for coaches to attend Galas both at home and away, we provide poolside passes for volunteers who attend galas, prizes and awards for achievement, training courses for coaches and officials and social events.

What Can You do to help?


When you see a bag pack advertised, come along and help. Or help out with one of our cake sales. If you have a great idea for a fundraising activity please contact either or

Do you own your own business or know someone who does?


Please speak to a committee member about the possibilities of sponsorship, from sponsoring a race at one of our open meets to sponsoring our club kit, there are a range of options.

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