Diddy League

What is a Junior/Diddy League?
A Diddy League is a club competition for 9–12-year-olds where the swimmers are selected to represent the club. The country is divided into different Regional Leagues in which clubs compete. Stafford Apex competes in the Nuneaton & District League (3 rounds). The top 6 teams placed after these 3 rounds go through to a Regional Final. The winner of this regional final joins 7 other regional winners to make up a Southern semi-final. The 4 top finishing teams from this semi-final go through to a National Final (and joins 4 teams from the Northern Semi Final). The winner of this National Final becomes the National Junior League Champions.
Age Considerations
Nuneaton League swimmers must be at least 9 years old by 10th September 2022 and not have reached their 13th birthday by 10th September 2022.
Diddy Leagues Dates
Round One- 2ND April 2022
Round Two- 14th May 2022
Round Three- 18th June 2022
Final- 10th September 2022
Events at Leagues
The 9-year-olds have 25m individual races in Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke & Freestyle plus relays. The 10-year-olds have 25m Butterfly & 50m individual races in backstroke, breaststroke & freestyle plus relays. The 11- & 12-year-olds have 50m Individual races in the 4 strokes plus relays There are also Girls & boys 8x25m freestyle relays (2 from each age group) & a 8x25m cannon freestyle relay (1 Girl/1 Boy each age group) as the last race.
League rules restrict swimmers to two individual races in their own age group and one swim up. There are no restrictions on the number of relays that can be swum. The club will select the fastest team possible therefore some swimmers may only be selected for Relay swims.
How do the swimmers get selected?
The teams are selected by the Head Coach Julie Shenton. Only those with a membership to Stafford Apex for competitive swimming with Swim England can take part.
How do the swimmers know they have been selected?
The teams will be posted on the Club Notice Board (by the downstairs viewing area). You will need to tick your name if you are able to attend. A reserve list will also be added. The earlier that you can do this the better as it helps to give reserve swimmers more notice that they are required to swim. Events may need to be changed last minute due to absences etc and will be sorted between the coach and swimmer.
What do I do if a swimmer can not make it on the day due to illness etc?
The earlier the better, but you will need to contact the Apex poolside team on the Mobile number 07494231968.
Where do we swim?
We are currently in Division 2 against the following teams:
Worcester B Wellington City of Hereford
Stourbridge Cannock Phoenix Bromsgrove
Pershore Burntwood Halesowen
Wombourne Wyre Forest Northgate
Oldbury Perry Beeches & SSS Dove Valley
Wolverhampton Stafford Apex Kingsbury Aquarius
A draw takes place to establish where the rounds will be held and who the teams will compete against.
How do I get to the Diddy Leagues?
For all away draw Diddy Leagues there is usually a coach laid on to take the team to the location. If coaches are used, they pick up and drop off the team from outside Stafford Leisure Centre. Enough time is allowed for travel to the venue but please try and arrive at the bus at the time requested. All team members are expected to travel on the bus. Parents can also travel on the coach for a £5 fee (subject to space availability- first come first serve). No food is allowed on the coaches going to the Leagues and on the way back all rubbish should either be taken home with you or put into the rubbish sacks provided by the team managers. All buses should be clear of any rubbish before swimmers are let off the coaches to go home. A drop off and collection time will be given, lateness will not be tolerated due to the time sensitive nature of the transport being booked.
Can Parents watch & travel to the Junior/Diddy league?
All parents are welcome to attend the galas and support the teams. The number of spectators depend on the individual venue capacity. Places on coach for parents have a £5 seat charge and subject to available space. You are welcome to make your own way there.
What do I need to bring on the night & what is expected of the swimmers?
All swimmers are advised, as a minimum, to bring with them a T-shirt (preferably a Club shirt) and dark shorts/tracksuit bottoms/ leggings, something to wear on their feet poolside (flip flops/sliders/trainers), 2 towels (one for poolside and a spare for afterwards to get dry), an Apex hat & two pairs of goggles (in case one pair break). It is also advisable to have plenty of fluids to drink as performances can drop if swimmers get dehydrated. A separate sheet will be published for what swimmers should eat & drink at competitions. The team has a Team Manager (Jo Keay) poolside with them.